Category Archives: Cures for Puking Closet Syndrome

Amy’s ideas and suggestions for taking back your closet.

Closet Organization: Scarves
Cures for Puking Closet Syndrome

Closet Organization: Scarves

Puking Closet Syndrome Culprit #3: Scarves. This is an easy way to organize all those fabulous neck-warmers-turned-accessories.

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Closet Organization: Slacks & Skirts
Cures for Puking Closet Syndrome

Closet Organization: Slacks & Skirts

Another tip for taking back control of a closet-gone-wild: clean-lined, wrinkle-free pant and skirt hanging.

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Closet Organization: Jeans
Cures for Puking Closet Syndrome

Closet Organization: Jeans

Puking Closet Syndrome Cure: Fast and easy to fold, jeans are great stackers.

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Diagnosis: Puking Closet Syndrome
Cures for Puking Closet Syndrome

Diagnosis: Puking Closet Syndrome

Puking Closet Syndrome. It’s an ugly condition with nasty symptoms.

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